West Coast Winter Guard

2022 Indoor Policies

Effective 1/15/2021

Due to the Statewide surge in the Omicron variant of COVID-19, the following additional protocols will be in place through February 15: (as per CDPH)

ALL Performers MUST wear masks while performing indoors

COVID Screening/Vaccination Requirements:


  • Each performing group will screen their members prior to arriving at the show site and complete the Google form that the ensemble is free of symptoms.  

  • At this time, WCWG does not have a policy mandating vaccination to be a performing member or show a negative Covid test. Show hosts may require additional requirements according to their school and district, this will be communicated as needed.


  • Each WCWG staff member and the judges/clinicians will be vaccinated or have a negative covid test within 72 hours of the event.  All WCWG staff will be prescreened as well prior to each event. 

PPE Requirements:

  • All instructional staff, WCWG staff, performers, and judges/clinicians will be required to wear a mask at all times.

  • All spectators are required to wear masks while in any indoor facility, 

  • All performers are able to perform without a mask while performing but must follow school/district guidelines. (See above Policy until February 15th)  


  • Tickets will be sold to spectators.  Depending on the size of the contest, there will be an AM, MID, and PM Contest or an AM, PM contest, with awards at the end of each of those portions of the day.  Spectators will be cleared from the gymnasium at the conclusion of every Awards Ceremony.

  • Post Performance student spectators will sit together in back bleachers.  Students will remain masked while indoors.  

  • The number of spectators will be limited and determined by local regulations.

Social Distancing Requirements:

  • There will be concessions sales in outdoor spaces.

  • There will be souvenir sales in outdoor spaces.

  • Judges and staff will be socially distant from each other, spectators, and participants. 


  • Performing groups will not be allowed to warm up in the same space as another performing group (ie. No multiple school warms ups).  If indoors, one unit at a time will be present in each warmup facility.

Cleaning & Sanitation Requirements:

  • Hand sanitizer and wipes will be made available to performers.

  • Spectator areas will be sanitized in between cleared gym times.

  • Judges/Clinicians will not share recording devices.

Changing Room / Restroom Requirements:

  • Performers should come dressed & ready to perform.  Restrooms are not to be used for makeup application and or as dressing rooms.


Arrival and Departure Procedures 

  • Upon arrival groups should meet together in one location and await directions from the performing schools staff. This should not be at the Unit check in table as only the director/Instructor will come to check-In. 

  • Performing groups will depart campus immediately after their Awards Ceremony. 

  • Parents may purchase tickets for any available portion of the show (this may require multiple tickets for the days events) and attend the show in the gymnasium.  

Group Check-In

  • The Check-in table will be set up near the gymnasium .

  • When arriving at the venue, performers and up to 5 staff should assemble together in the parking lot with their equipment/props. 

  • Parents should head to the spectator ticket sales/entrance.  

  • At Check-in:

    • The performing members should line up outside of the check-in area and await instructions.

    • Only the ensemble director should approach the Check-In table.

  • The ensemble director will complete the Unit Check-In Form for their competing ensemble by using the QR code & Smartphone.

  • The ensemble director is responsible for following their school and/or district policies and to ensure that their staff/chaperones and performers are  following COVID-related guidelines.

  • Instructors will be required to show emergency cards at Check-In.  

  • Any and All show information will only be available electronically – NO paperwork will be distributed at the check-in table.  Each unit will receive upto 3 additional staff passes for performer area seating 


  • All ensembles will find an outdoor warm-up space prior to their performance.  No other performing unit should be allowed to enter into that space.



  • All groups will be responsible for moving their own equipment, floors, and props on and off the competition floor.  All equipment helpers must wear a mask while assisting indoors.


  • Only performers, staff, and equipment/floor crews will be allowed in the performance area. (Other teams of the same school may assist with setup/tear down)

  • All staff will wear masks while viewing performances.

  • Masks worn while performing will be MANDATORY through February 15th per CDPH.  After that time it will be up to the discretion of each ensemble and/or respective home/host district policies or current mandate from the CDPH.

  • Staff seating during performances is only available in the designated viewing area. 


  • Ensembles will be asked to exit the gymnasium and fold their floor outside the gym in a designated space.  

  • Performers are encouraged to sanitize their hands after pack up.  

  • Performers may return to the performer viewing area to watch other groups and must wear a mask to enter that facility.





  • All WCWG equipment will be sanitized at the end and start and end of each contest. 

  • Judges will use their WCWG provided equipment (Tablet/recorder) to record commentary/scores.

  • Recorders will be one per judge and sanitized frequently.



  • Judges, up to 6, will be socially distant in the stands.

  • Judges will be masked throughout the day. 

  • Judges will have no contact with performers. 

  • Critique with judges will be social distanced and both parties will be masked.




  • Meals will be served in hospitality/judges rooms

  • Hospitality/Judges room will be needed

  • First Aid station will be required