What is West Coast Winter Guard (WCWG)

Our First Championships!


It all started when…

A few years back, several of us began talking about different aspects of our community here in So Cal.  This led to an ongoing dialogue and research into organizations, both national and local, that presented structure and a variety of educational opportunities which were similar to our own conversations.  In 2015, several times, the same conversations arose again, and we decided it was time to put talk into action.

Finally, in May, of 2015, 15 like-minded representatives met to put the plan into action...and here we are.

While WCWG will always continue to grow and evolve, as a performer centric circuit, WCWG is focused on the education of the member units through competition, education, camaraderie, sportsmanship, and the sharing of ideals. 

WCWG believes

-Every ensemble deserves the same opportunity for success,

-Each performer deserves recognition for their accomplishments

-Every unit deserves the best available feedback

-Every instructor deserves the resources and additional information to promote growth.

-And finally, a community based approach in which everyone commits to bringing their ideals and expertise for all to be shared and built upon.

With performers being at the heart of what we do, we believe every decision should be made with their experience in mind. We believe that these young people should be celebrated and encouraged to continue to have a positive impact in their programs and communities. 

WCWG’s Purpose

WCWG is an all volunteer non-profit youth organization. The purpose of the organization is to promote growth in the winter guard activity in southern California through competition.

WCWG Mission

West Coast Winter Guard provides educational opportunities and competitive events to foster a sense of community and inspire programs to realize their potential.

WCWG’S Values

-Exist for the participants, their leaders, and supporters.

-Inspire our performers to reach their highest artistic and creative standards through competition. 

-Treat every individual and member unit as equal, with the same goal of providing everyone with a positive and memorable experience.